OK, here is one to enjoy:
What odd, silly, embarassing, inappropriate or just plain weird announcements have you heard at meetings, conventions and assemblies?
ok, here is one to enjoy:
what odd, silly, embarassing, inappropriate or just plain weird announcements have you heard at meetings, conventions and assemblies?
OK, here is one to enjoy:
What odd, silly, embarassing, inappropriate or just plain weird announcements have you heard at meetings, conventions and assemblies?
my parents were both very strict, and i wasn't allowed any toys at the hall.
my rations included a copy of my book of bible stories, and a pen and note pad.
my parents were strict to the point of not allowing me to draw pictures, i had to "take notes".
We used to edit the program at the conventions, making the speakers' names in to as many funny words as we could. I recall one (forget the name) but we got a whole row laughing at the DC one summer.
i used to love break time.
especially if it was afternoon service, and we stopped at taco bell.
i used to be damn good at eating tacos in the car without spilling anything.
Did I mention Coffee Break? We were allowed $3; at the time, McD's had the #2 value meal for $2.99.... woo-hoo... we got to go out to lunch!
Oh, the other thing I liked about service (or "The Ministry" as my grandmother called it).... 12:00 noon. Yep THE END IS COMING... the end of service!
By the way, to all you who grew up Dubs.... there are cartoons on Saturday AM... did you know that?
so we have our circuit overseer this week.
we're getting the crap kicked out of us (figuratively) for our meeting attendance.
we have attendance in the 70% range for some of our meetings.
Looking at the photo above, I noticed that lovely plant stand on the left of the stage platform. The one with the ivory plastic keys on it. Presumably, some one could depress those keys and produce melodies for praising God Jehover. I remember when I used to go (read as: I remember when I was under 16 and didn't have a car.), our cong. was admonished to sing with "Vigor and VIm"... and lo and behold, they actually amplified! It got to be rather good. More than a decade later, I went for a family funeral service memorial meeting (complete with songs!). The congregation crooned so poorly, I nearly turned around to see if anyone was asleep. My wife made fun of me for humming along.... hey... 16 years of the same 212 songs... eventually they get stuck in your head!
i was playing monopoly the other night and reminiscing on the different editions (i have the british, london one) - have played the american one, and various continental, and there are various ''movie'' editions -well, last night as i was playing, i was thinking how much fun a jw one would be....need a bit of input for this... eg, started to snigger when i picked up the ''it's your birthday.....'' i suggest ''it's your birthday, collect a shunning from each player''.
then there's the free parking , err....''free bible study''?
This really is a humorous thread. I ran a Google search for "make your own Monopoly" and got a slew of links to a $25US blank board game set up like Monopoly with labels etc to make it your own.
Here is one link: http://www.boardgames.com/makyourownmo.html
i find that to get rid of the jw mentality i have to play mind games on myself as i go throughout my day.
one tactic that i've been using recently involves telling myself "now as i go through this (whatever) situation how would you act if you had never been exposed jehovahs witnesses".
it really is an amazing thing for me b/c after i think about the situation i really do become more comfortable and the true "me" comes out.
I was never baptized, in fact never 'studied' outside of family bible study as a kid. Nevertheless, after announcing that I didnt want to be a dub to my parents, even now, some 12 years later, I must force myself to participate in birthdays, Xmas, Thanksgiving etc. I did become fiercely patriotic (my folks still cringe at teh sight of my US Flag on the house), and now am trying to refing christianity on my own.
Well, its a slow process... but now I have my own child, and need to offer her strong beliefs and morals, but have to be careful not to skew her with old JW thinking.
Any thoughts?
i have known some people (i dont' know if it's true or not) [and i am the kind of person that doesn't like to cause trouble] who have said that jehovah's witnesses keep tabs/records on people.
all the things they have done like if they got babtized, personal problems/experiences, arguments they may had with people, and just their general conduct as well.
have any people here found out about a "black book" where they keep records on you?
I recall when my father was PO (hence the screen name), he had a file under lock and key with all the secret stuff in it. He also had some floppy disks in the file. He hid a key somewere in the house, and had a note in a sealed envelope describing the location of the key, just incase he died and the records had to be transferred to another elder. We never snuck in to look at the records. (I was a good boy then!)
Also, when he went out a-sheparding or counciling (beating the sheep into submission), he would leave a phone number in an envelope on his desk in case we needed to call him in an emergency. It was always a secret who he was seeing. We also had no answering machine (to prevent accidental recorded confessions at the elder's house) and 50% or more of our incoming phone calls were "Is Brother So-n-So avialable." If he was not home, we were not supposed to try and take a message, but tell them to call again.
Regarding records on file - - yeah, they keep notes on everything. But every religion does. Frankly, while counting hours in service is silly, the publisher card and appointment letters and such are 'good' files to keep. Every church I know of keeps records of who was ordained when, who was baptized when, and who is a deacon/elder/servant etc. The truth is, I keep better records of my customers in my office than most congregations keep on the sheeps. Bu then again, I never shunned a customer for his choice in R-rated movies!
The Son
well, a post from low-key lysmith on another topic got me thinking about the less than memorable food at the conventions and assemblies.
anyone have some thoughts to share?.
i missed the ham and cheese on rye-- it was one item that was actually pretty good.
seeitallclearlynow - Thanks for the link - - that was 4 pages of fun memories.
We were always involved at some level with Food Service, Trucking or something similar. It gave us a place to eat with a table, instead of sitting in the stands. There was a definate benefit to missing a few hours of manuscript reading. (I would call them talks, but they were really just being read.)
I *LOVED* working the 'reefer" truck. No, all you midnight tokers, not that kind of Reefer, but rather the refrigerator truck, containing all the perishable food stuffs. When the June temperature got up to 85 or more, and the humidity at 80%, the reefer was the only cool (and quiet) place to be.
Does any one else catch them selves humming Kingdum Songs due to endless hours of them being played, pre convention, during lunches, after sessions, at Quick Builds. I haven't heard on of those songs in a decade... and still they pop into my head.
well, a post from low-key lysmith on another topic got me thinking about the less than memorable food at the conventions and assemblies.
anyone have some thoughts to share?.
i missed the ham and cheese on rye-- it was one item that was actually pretty good.
Well, a post from Low-Key Lysmith on another topic got me thinking about the less than memorable food at the conventions and assemblies. Anyone have some thoughts to share?
I missed the Ham and Cheese on Rye-- it was one item that was actually pretty good. To this day, I cannot drink Shasta (Cola or Mormon, er, Lemon Lime).
I recall coveting food tickets, and my father insisting on putting the leftover tickets in the 'donation box'.
PO Son (grown up, and out 12 years)
i see in the 1 january 2005 watchtower that it has a r surrounded by a circle indicating that watchtower is a registered trademark.. when did this happen?
Do you suppose they can get a TM or R on "God". They are sure that they have the only TRUE God (TM). And, if you want proof, they will be glad to show you multiple references from the Bible (C), Watchtower (R), or one of dozens of self-referencing (TM), circular-reasoning literature.
The above terms, "God", "Watchtower", "Bible", and "self-referencing" are registered Copyrights, Trademarks, and Registered Trademarks of their respective owners.